The Idaho Wheat Commission will be presenting a web-based grower education seminar (webinar) on low falling number 7:30 AM (MST). The webinar will be approximately one hour. Participation is simple and free! Log onto the website at (requires Adobe Flash Player which is installed on most computers) and enter your name as a participant.
Wednesday, February 29 – “Unraveling the Falling Numbers Questions of 2011” Guest presenter Juliet Marshall, Associate Professor of Agronomy and Cereals Cropping Systems at the University of Idaho, Department of Plant, Soils and Entomological Sciences.
Wheat quality in the 2011 harvest was called into question with some varieties showing low values in the falling numbers test. In this webinar, we will explore the potential causes and the methods we may be able to use to reduce the dockage associated with the expression of low falling numbers.
For those who cannot view the webinar in real time, it will be recorded and available at: